Tuesday 25 December 2012

Salmon Mousse - Starter

This makes a great starter as it's light so won't fill you up too much, but is still tasty. I served with melba toast. Measurements are imperial i'm afraid as it's an old family recipe!


1oz Butter
Half a finely chopped White Onion
1oz Flour
1/2pt Milk
Pinch Thyme (Dried or fresh)
1 Bay Leaf - Dried
Sprinkling of Nutmeg
8oz of Red Salmon - good quality tinned is easiest, but you can use cooked fresh too
1 Level dessertspoon of Gelatine (dissolved in 2tbsp water)
2tbsp Tomato Ketchup
3tbsp Mayo
Juice of 1 Lemon


1.   Melt butter in a saucepan and gently  fry onion until transparent, but not brown.
2.   Stir in flour and fry off for 3 minutes.
3.   Add milk gradually - stirring all the time.
4.   Add thyme, nutmeg and bay leaf. Simmer over a gentle heat for 10 minutes until thickens.
5.   Remove bay leaf and cool slightly.
6.   Flake salmon into the sauce and beat to combine.
7.   Add gelatine.
8.   Stir in ketchup, mayo and lemon juice.
9.   Season and chill until needed.

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