Sunday 16 December 2012

Clearing out the freezer - Chocolate Tart

Chocolate Tart

As it's the lead up to Christmas I try to clear out my freezer at least a little to be able to stock up on the leftovers I'll no doubt come home with from my parents. This week I had a friend for dinner who needed a little TLC. His favourite puddings are always chocolate and anything without it in is apparently not a pudding!

So, from the freezer I took out some pastry and some frozen cream and let it defrost (I think it must have been buy one get one free!). With that and some bits I had in the cupboard chocolate tart was on the menu.

Ingredients: (All approximates as I made it up!)

300ml Pot of Double Cream
200g Dark Chocolate - broken up
50g Caster Sugar
1tsp Vanilla Extract
50g Butter
Half a block of pastry - about 250g (Shortcrust would be best, but I only had puff)
Dulce du leche - to drizzle


1. Grease and line a springform tin. Roll out pastry and place in tin so it goes a little up the sides. Blind bake for about 10 minutes until golden. Remove beans and cool.
2. Heat sugar, extract, cream and butter gently until simmering quickly. Add chocolate and mix well until chocolate and sugar have melted.
3. Pour into pastry case. Chill in the fridge for about 2 hours until set.
4. Remove from tin and drizzle with dulce du leche or other caramelly substance! It was yummy but very rich!

(Excuse the picture... drizzling isn't my forte!)


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