Useful Links

Below are a few pages/ blogs/ websites I hope will be of interest to you!

Single in the Shires blog:            

This is a blog that is a must read for any woman who has been on the dating scene at some point in the past 5 years. It’s a jungle out there and “Single in the Shires” has a witty and unique take on it. It will leave you thinking “Yep I know how you feel”. I know it does me!

Fluffs and Frills Make Up Artist:

Kat  is a good friend of mine who also happens to be a make artist in the Northants/ Bedfordshire area. Take a look at her website for more info and samples of her work.

Obscure Hedgehog:                

Take a look at Jenni's views on the world. One of a kind!

Running to the Sun:                

A great blog by a great person about making a life changing move from the UK to Kuwait!

Louises' Bits:                             

A blog run by a friend chronicling her dieting progress.

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