Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I've been a bit slack this month with posts. Party season took over with a vengence and I have been trekking to various places for them! In the space of 3 weeks I covered Northampton, Bedford, MK, Aylesbury, Shropshire and London. Boy do I need a few days off at Christmas to recover. I hope you all had an amazing season too!

This year my mum relinquished responsibility for Christmas dinner to me! Okay, so it was only for the three of us and really it’s just a large Sunday roast. But baby steps. The next few pages I will share some the recipes I used to make my three course meal. Those with a star by them will have a recipe for you soon. I’ll hopefully manage to make up some leftovers recipes soon.

If any of you have any recipes you make as a tradition at this time of year I’d love to hear about them!

The actual meal consisted of:

Starter of Salmon Mousse* and Melba Toast

Main of Turkey Crown with the following sides:

Roasted Potatoes,
Daupinoise Potatoes*
Oven roasted honey glazed carrots and parsnips
Sausages in bacon
Yorkshire puddings
Brussels Sprouts with pancetta (devil food, but my folks insisted!)
Bread Sauce
Cranberry and Port Sauce

Dessert of Black Forest Cheesecake*

Tip for you - I used a lot of the throwaway tin trays to bake things in... less washing up. And if you dress your table in silver it fits in well!

Now pretty much comatose after all that food and just in time for cheesy family movies and I am now settling down for the pinnacle (for me anyway) of Christmas Day TV... Doctor Who and Downton Abbey!

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and here’s to the New Year. I look forward to posting even more recipes and random updates. 2013 is a busy year!


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