Tuesday 21 May 2013

Chicken and Chorizo Risotto

I love this risotto... but completely forgot to take a photo!

Chicken and Chorizo Risotto

Serves 2 (Easily doubled)


2 Chicken Breasts – chopped and either fried off or grilled till cooked
3 uncooked chorizo – diced
160g Arborio Rice
1pt Hot Chicken Stock
1 White Onion – diced
2 Garlic Cloves – chopped or 1tsp Garlic Puree
1 Large glass white wine
1tbsp Chopped Fresh Basil or 1tsp Dried Basil
1tbsp  Butter
1tbsp creme fraiche
2tbsp grated Parmesan plus extra to serve
Salt and Pepper- to season

  1. Melt butter in a large frying pan. Add onion, chorizo and garlic and fry until soft and the chorizo has let out some of its juices.
  2. Tip in the rice and coat with butter and onion. It should slightly glisten. Add wine and bubble until the wine has reduced.
  3. Add in a ladle at a time the chicken stock. Let each amount be absorbed by the rice before adding the next. Repeat until rice is cooked. You may not need all of the stock.
  4. Fold in the basil and the cooked chicken. Heat through. Season to taste.
  5. Before serving fold in the grated parmesan and the creme fraiche. Serve hot with more cheese if you wish!

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