Saturday 23 March 2013

Chocolate Fridge Cake

So my last day came and went on Thursday. I was sad to say goodbye to a number of people I now call friends. But onwards and upwards and my new job is a promotion so too good to turn down! As I said I would I made cake. Always a good thing in my book! TheVictoria Sponge was similar to the recipe I made for cupcakes last month. The cornflake and jam tart however was an epic fail I brought wheat and rice flakes, not cornflakes. The result did not taste very good! So I will have to try again with the right ingredients! I did make the Chocolate Fridge Cake though. Recipe below:


100g Butter
200g Milk or Dark Chocolate - whichever you prefer!
4-5 squeezes of Golden Syrup (about 4 - 5tbsp)
225g Chocolate Digestives - roughly chopped
A bag of Malteasers (the sharing bags about 135g) - roughly chopped
A bag of Munchies (the sharing bags about 125g) - roughly chopped


1.   Line a square tin with parchment.

2.   In a heavy bottomed pan melt together the milk chocolate, syrup and butter on a low heat until melted and glossy. Set aside to cool slightly.

3.  Add all your chopped ingredients to the melted chocolate and mix. Pour into a tin and set in the fridge.

4.  Cut into squares.