Sunday 24 February 2013

Vanilla and Jam Cupcakes

I had two celebrations this weekend - my friend Caroline moved to Northampton and I accepted a new job offer. So I decided to bake some cupcakes (any excuse for cake!). One of mine and Caroline's favourites is Victoria Sponge so I decided a cupcake with Vanilla Icing and Jam in the middle would be a winner.

Makes 12


Cupcakes -
180g Self Raising Flour - sifted
180g Caster Sugar
180g Butter or Stork - softened
1tsp Baking Powder
3 Eggs
1tsp Vanilla Extract
Your favourite jam

Icing -
200g Unsalted Butter - softened
400g Icing Sugar - sifted
Colouring or decorations if you want


Cupcakes -

1.   Preheat oven to 180/ 350/ Gas 4. Line a tin with cupcake cases. Set aside.
2.   Cream butter/ Stork and sugar until light and fluffy. Add vanilla extract.
3.   Add in eggs a little at a time. If mixture curdles add a little flour.
4.   Fold in flour and baking powder.
5.   Put a heaped tbsp of mixture into each cupcake case. Bake for a couple of mins This will help seal the bases so the jam wont sink too much.
6.   Put half a tsp to a tsp of jam in the centre of the cupcake base (amount depends on the size of your cases). Top with more cake mixture until about 2/3rds full.
7.   Bake for approximately 20mins until golden and fluffy. Cool completely.

Icing -

1.   Beat sugar and butter until combined. If a little stiff add a couple of tsp of milk. Add colouring if using.
2.   Spoon or pipe icing onto cupcakes and top with chosen decorations.

***Don't make the mistake I did if premaking your icing in advance - take it out to soften before you need to ice the cakes. I didnt and struggled as a result!

***You'll notice I also topped some with good old chocolate spread! An easy stand by for cake toppings!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Corned Beef Hash

A cheap and cheerful comfort food favourite. Just what's called for in this weather ad was perfect for when I got in from a run cold and wet! It's quick, cheap and easy to make. I've done my recipe for one as it was just for me, but it's easily multiplied!


1 Potato - cubed and lightly boiled until al dente
Half a white onion - chopped
Splash of Worcestershire Sauce or Hendersons Relish
Salt and Pepper
Clove of Garlic - chopped
About 80 - 100g Corned Beef (a quarter of a 340g can) - chopped
Knob of butter


1.   Parboil potato cubes and drain. Leave to dry off for a few minutes.

2.   Melt butter in a large pan and fry onions and garlic until soft. Tip in the potatoes and combine. Fry until potatoes are starting to turn golden.

3.   Add corned beef, seasoning and Worcestershire Sauce/ Hendersons Relish. Combine and fry till golden.

4.   This is the basic recipe but add whatever you fancy to it. This time round I had some mushrooms and a green pepper so chopped them up and put them in. I serve mine with a poached egg on top and ketchup on the side. A friend of mine loves his with cheese on top. So go with what tickles your fancy!


Thursday 7 February 2013

Smoked Mackerel and Cream Cheese Tagliatelle

Having gotten in from work and a class late and being starving I didnt feel much like waiting for my dinner to cook. Pasta dishes are always a good stand by and as I am attempting to be good during the week fish was on the menu too! I just threw together a few ingredients from the fridge, freezer and cupboard. It actually tasted lovely!


Half a white onion - finely chopped
Garlic puree - about half a tsp
Squeeze of lemon juice
Handful of mushrooms - chopped
Handful of frozen peas
A couple of smoked mackerel fillets - poached in water and rough chopped
A heaped tbsp light Philidelphia
Handful of spinach - chopped
Some fresh dill - chopped


1.  While fish is poaching and pasta cooking fry onion in a little oil. Add mushrooms.

2.   Add cream cheese, garlic puree, dill and lemon juice. Add a little hot water if too thick to make a sauce. Add peas to the pasta a few minutes before its finished cooking.

3.   Add mackerel to cooked and drained pasta and peas. Stir through spinach - it will wilt with the heat of the pasta.

4.   Stir through the sauce and combine to coat.

5.   Serve!